Help & FAQs / Uniswap Mining

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Is there a cap on how many people CoinList will accept?

No there is no cap on how many people CoinList will accept as long as registration is still open. 

Other Uniswap Mining Questions

Where will my funds be held?

Your funds will be held at the eligible Uniswap pool smart contracts. Your accumulated exchange fees and UNI will be held at BitGo, our qualified custodian. 

Will my UNI be locked up once they are distributed to me?

No, you UNI tokens will be unlocked and available to trade or withdraw at any time.

Is CoinList the only place where I can provide liquidity to Uniswap?

No. However, if you choose to participate in the Uniswap liquidity mining program without CoinList, you may not have assistance with rebalancing your assets and deploying those funds to the eligible Uniswap pools. 

Who can participate in Uniswap Mining?

Anyone living in CoinList's supported jurisdictions can participate in the CoinList Uniswap Mining 

Will I receive my principal back after the period?

Uniswap incentivizes users to add liquidity to pools by rewarding providers with fees on trades. Market making, in general, is a complex activity that has the risk of losing money (compared to just hodling) in the case of big directional moves of the underlying asset price.

In the Uniswap Mining on CoinList, users that participate will be rewarded with accumulated fees on trades as well as the UNI token. 

To understand the risks associated with providing liquidity you can read this blog to get an in-depth look at how to conceptualize a liquidity position.

In sum, participating users are not guaranteed their principal amount back but are guaranteed their pro-rata share of the liquidity pool, accumulated exchange fees, and UNI tokens. 

Can I make multiple contributions to the CoinList Uniswap Mining program?

Yes, you can make multiple contributions to the CoinList Uniswap Mining program.

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